
~Flip Vest Pattern~ Review and Giveaway-CLOSED

A few weeks back Dana from Made asked me to test out her newest pattern.  I was so excited to just be asked and then even more excited when I found out it was for a vest.  Not only a vest, but a reversible vest!  I am a lover of vests and I've got 2 kids that love being cozy, how perfect.

Dana gives great tips and fabric suggestions in the pattern and in typcial fashion I decided to push the envelope. I upcycled a sweater for one side and used microfleece for the other.  The vest and pattern are great, but I wasn't thrilled with my initial fabric choices. 
 For my second attempt I used flannel and blizzard fleece.  Much better choices in my opinion. 
 The blizzard fleece and flannel are a little less floppy and gave the vest little more structure.
I cut a 3T/4T for the skinny 4 year old boy, and the sizing is just rightHe's on the taller side too, so I think next time I might make it longer.
 I cut a 4T/5T for the 6 year old, who is also a tall and skinny.  I added a few inches to the length and made the armholes bigger before adding the binding.
 She's all about the pink and was in love with this flannel.  I convinced her the green buttons would be a nice touch rather than pink.  And the fit is great too.
So overall, the pattern is great!  There's one pattern piece, awesome, and the instructions are really easy and clear.  I sewed both of my second attempt vests in under 2 hours!  Including cutting time!  It doesn't get much better than that.

Checkout some other great Flip Vests here and here.  You can read more about the pattern (and purchase a copy) HERE.

So, are you ready to win a copy of your own?  

Leave a comment with your email address to enter to win a printable copy of The Flip Vest pattern (pattern will be emailed).

Giveaway ends FRIDAY, MARCH 1, at midnight Eastern Time.

3 winners will be chosen at random!!

1 entry per person please. 

And, a huge thank you to Dana for including me in this recent pattern launch.  So fun!


DIY St. Patrick's Day Garland

I'm not typically big on decorating for holidays.  It feels like by the time I get something out, it's time to put it away and get out another set of decorations.  We missed the boat on Valentine's Day.  But, since we're home for February break, I thought it might be time we made a St. Patrick's Day garland.
 I grabbed my big bag of felt scraps and pulled out all the green shades and some white.  I punched out a cardboard circle and my daughter and I got to work tracing and cutting.  We cut 47 circles, then laid them out in a random pattern.
 I stacked them up in order, which was really helpful when it came time to sew.  I didn't have to worry about the pattern.  Just grab the circle on top and sew.
 I left just a tiny bit of space in between each circle.  I've seen these kinds of garlands done many times, but never actually done it myself. So easy.
So pretty.
Reminds me of Spring.
Guess I can keep it up for a while beyond St. Patty's Day.  Definitely my kind of decorating.


WOW....I'm in a Magazine!

I have some exciting news to share.  A few months back the editors at Sew-It Today contacted me and asked if they could feature my fold-up tote tutorial in their Spring Issue.  I can't even tell you how excited I was to get this opportunity, and now to see it in print...
 Sew-It Today is a new sewing magazine featuring lots of approachable and fun projects.  Check out this cute coloring book holder.  Will definitely be making one of these for each of my kids.
Eliza the Chicky might be making an appearance in our Easter baskets this year.  Too cute!
They also published my washcloth tutorial, which I got to photograph myself!  That's my tub and rubber ducky.  Well, not my personal rubber ducky...
And, wow, I get to be featured next to Jessica of Running With Scissors
Thanks for letting me share my few minutes of fame with you.  I really enjoy sharing sewing projects and connecting with other sewists out there through this blog.  It's really rewarding and helps me keep some balance in my life.  And every once in while, I get to feel famous.  Then it's back to rushing off to work or the bus stop.  

Oh, and remember that giveaway I mentioned?  Sometime next week I'll be giving away 3, oh yes 3, copies of Dana's new Flip Vest pattern.  

Have a great weekend!


Happy Valentine's Day

Boy, the time does fly these days!  I can't believe it's already half way through February.  I've got some great posts planned, including a really fabulous giveaway for a new pattern from a well-known blog friend....are you dying with curiosity?  Stay tuned...

 In the meantime, I thought I'd share our Valentine's day so far.
 This little girl wanted to make something special for her brother and sewed a cute heart shaped pillow all by herself!  The focus she has is amazing.

I got some beautiful handmade cards from the little ones.
And the kids headed off to school to celebrate in their new Valentine's Day shirts.  I've never made one of these tie applique shirts, but I see more in our future.  So adorable!

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!



I've been trying to be better lately about not buying clothing that I won't or don't wear.  I love clothes and I'm often swayed by a good deal.  So, in an effort to be more economical, I went through my closet and tried to come up with ways to refashion things I have.  

I have a wonderful and expensive down coat that I bought years ago when I worked at an outdoor clothing store.  It's really great quality, but there are things about it I no longer love.  

 I found some cheap faux fur and decided to add some fur trim to the hood.  I also wanted to get rid of the snaps that I never use and don't really like.
 I cute a strip 4 inches wide, pinned it to the right side of the hood an sewed it in place with the ends folded up.
I folded the trim to the right side and topstitched.  It looks much better in real life that this picture shows, and now I love my coat again.
 This sweater refashion was really easy and I really love my "new" sweater.  The neck on the original was just too big and the fit overall was reminiscent of maternity clothing aka not very flatteringAll I did for this one was to move some hidden snaps from the turtle-neck to the neck center, fold the turtle-neck down and move the buttons to the other side of the newly created collar. I sewed up the sides a bit to make it a little more fitted.  So much more wearable.