My little 6 year old boy has been very interested in helping make dinner lately. My husband and I love having him help out. I could see him one day being a very creative little chef. To support his growing interest, I offered to make him some oven mitts just his size. To make a pattern, I just traced his hand and then added a good 1.5 inches all around. Obviously you can make them any size, the instructions are the same.
For ONE mitt you will need 2 exterior pieces that are mirrored, 2 pieces of insulating fabric (I used Insul-Bright) and 2 pieces of a lining fabric (I used a lightweight cotton). You will also need about 1/2 yard of double fold bias tape.

With right sides together, sew each set along the outside edge leaving the wrist part open (1/4 inch seam allowance). Trim the edge.
Turn ONLY the exterior fabric piece so that it is right side out. Slip the insulating piece inside the exterior piece and the lining piece (wrong side out) into the insulating piece. I did it this way so that there wouldn't be any seams hanging out on the inside of the mitt.

When you get all the pieces tucked in, trim the edge so it's nice and even.

Pin the bias tape to the raw edges being careful to get all 3 layers sandwiched in and overlapping the ends of the bias tape.
Sew around. I use a wide zigzag stitch so that I'm sure I've got all the layers sewn in. I also sew on the inside as you can see in the picture. It's much easier than trying to sew from the outside.
The little guy was really happy with his new mitts. He looks kind of dazed here because he was trying really hard to hold still for one picture. The next 5 pictures were of him doing his karate moves in his new mitts. Gotta love that 6 year old boy energy.
New oven mitts definitely call for karate moves! That's awesome!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for this morning that links to your tutorial:
Nice job.