I'm chalking my lack of blogging here lately to a bad case of the winter blues. I'm a snow lover and usually winter doesn't bother me much. It's the cold that been getting me down and has really affected my motivation.
The kids were on February break this past week and we took our usual ski trip to northern Vermont. I decided to pack some yarn and a knitting pattern to try to keep myself busy. It's been years since I've knit anything. I knit a lot when my kids were babies, but in recent years have gotten more hooked on instant gratification of a simple sewing project.
But sewing isn't very portable and knitting is. And, I'm hooked again. I made the blue hat first and it ended up a little big for my child sized head. The second one is a perfect fit and sooooo warm. Just what I need.
So here's what I've been up to the past month. I'm throwing this picture from January in to remind myself of when we were happy about the snow. We had so much fun this day.
Now, we can no longer see our bushes or our front stairs.

I treated myself to a Silhouette Portrait and have been having fun playing around with it. It's really amazing how much you can do with this little machine and I'm still a total newbie.
I'm a huge fan of Brindille and Twig patterns and tried out a new to me romper pattern. I cannot tell you how cute this outfit is in real life.
So now you're caught up on the last month. I'm hoping that Spring is around the corner and I can snap out of my funk.
I leave you with a photo I snapped today at work. This made me smile. I guess if the ducks can handle it, so can I.
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