I made this slightly modified version of Rae's Itty Bitty Dress for my friend Courtney who's having a litte girl in July. So cute!
Check out the super cute bow in back!
I promised her I'd make some matching little bloomers to go with the dress, and couldn't just make bloomers, so I made a cute little top to match. The problem is, the top bunched up a little too much! Ack, this drives me nuts! It either bunches too little or too much. The control freak in me doesn't like the lack of control with shirring!
But, the end result is pretty cute nonetheless and I bet it will look even cuter on her new baby girl.
Here's a fun card to go along with the present. It's a great way to use up fabric scraps and add a unique touch to any gift. I used this quilted notecard tutorial.
Hope she likes it!
Just a thought about shirring... You can use Lastin elastic, or even 1/4 inch regular elastic cut to whatever you want your maximum width of your piece to be (say, the chest measurement of the child for a bodice or dress) and stretch it to the width of your fabric (which will be doubled or so) to create the same shearing effect without having to guess at the final width. The end stretchable width will be that of your elastic. Sorry, that sounded confusing... While this may not be the best option for the collar, it would definitely work for dresses. The Lastin is the clear elastic that I'm starting to see more and more in children's play clothes.